6 Man’s habitat and food

Please read Gen 1:29 and 2:8-14

(We will deal with the trees of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the tree of Life in following lectures.)


1. Situation.

Considering the whereabouts of the Tigris- and Frat (Euphrates) rivers in particular, researchers are of the opinion that the Garden of Eden could possibly have been located in Mesopotamia, the present-day Iraq.

Whatever the case may be, the point that Scripture wants to make by mentioning the four rivers, the beautiful trees, delicious fruit, etc., is to show that God did his utmost, sparing no good thing in providing man with a pleasant dwelling, a residence for which he did not have to raise a hand to establish.

2. An interesting river.

In 2:10 we read that a river flowed into the garden, then divided into four tributaries so as to water the whole garden. This is rather interesting for normally small streams originate in the surrounding mountains, then flow down into the main river, swelling its waters. This river operated the other way round. (Perhaps it changed after the fall of man and again after the Flood.)

At this stage, however, it pictured God and his provision in that God’s creatures do not provide for Him, but He provides for them. The same principle is still found in the leaves of most plants where a single stem branches out into multiple “veins” supplying in the need of the whole leaf.

3. What a climate!

It is also amazing to note that the climate was so perfectly planned and prepared by God, that there was no need for Adam and Eve to wear clothes. So Eve did not have to do the family’s washing and ironing or to mend Adam’s socks or sow on any buttons to his shirt, or knit jerseys for the winter for there was no winter.

B. MAN’S FOOD (1:29).

What an abundance of food for which they did not have to work. Eve did not even have to collect wood and kindle a fire to prepare the food. No need to go shopping. No parking hazzles. No tills, no bank cards, no cash.  The honeymoon couple could just wander around together and pick their breakfast, lunch or supper from the trees. Never would fruit be fresher; from the tree to the mouth. No need for a fridge or freezer to store up supplies. Perhaps Eve sometimes would go looking for something new, something special and surprise him with it where he was working, naming the animals.


From the first moment that Adam and Eve opened their eyes, they had to experience the fact that their Creator was exceptionally kindly disposed towards them and had only good intentions with them.
