GOSPELS, Index to 2024-12-05A PLEASE TAP ON TITLE TO SEE STUDY GUIDE Overview of the Gospels ~~~~~~~~~~~Announcement of Jesus’ birthLuk 1:26-38; Isa 9:5The Birth of JesusLuk 1:18-22; 2:1-12Baptism and temptation of JesusMat.3:13-17; 4:1-11Cleansing of a man with leprosyLuk 5:12-16Healing of a paralysed manLuk 5:17-26Centurion’s servant healedLuk 7:1-10Lazarus raised from the deadLuk 11:1-44The Samaritan womanJohn 4:4-42Parable of the SowerLuk 8:4-8Parable of the LampLuk 8:16-18The Rich Young RulerLuk 18:18-30The Storm on the LakeLuk 8:22-25The Demon Possessed Man of GadaraLuk 8:26-39Jairus’ Daughter ResurrectedLuk 8:40-56The Woman with a Flow of BloodLuk 8:42-48Disciples Called and CommissionedMrk 1:16-20; Luk 9:1-6Jesus GlorifiedLuk 9:28-36The Lord’s PrayerMath 6:5-13Shameless PrayerLuk 11:5-13Jesus and the Jewish LeadersLuk 11:14-54Fear, Greed and AnxietyLuk 12:4-34The DoorLuk 13:23-30The Banquet Luk 14:15-24The cost of following ChristLuk 14:25-34The lost sheepLuk 15:1-7The lost coinLuk 15:8-10The prodigal sonLuk 15:11-32The rich man and LazarusLuk 16:19-31Nicodemus and the New BirthJoh 3:1-21Jesus’ Second Coming and what precedesJoh 14:1-3, etc.Bartimaeus, the blind man receives his sightLuke 18:35-43Zachaeus, the publican becomes a follower of JesusLuke 19:1-10The adulteress womanJohn 8:1-11Mary’s ChoiceLuke 10:38-42Mary anoints JesusJohn 12:1-8Jesus’ second comingActs 1:6-11, etc.Jesus in the Upper Room, his betrayal, struggle in Getsemane and arrest.Luke 21:37-22:53Jesus’ trialLuke 22:47-71Jesus’ crucifixionLuke 23:26-56Jesus’ resurrection and appearancesLuke 24:1-49Jesus’ commands and ascensionLuke 24:50-53 Facebook WhatsApp Twitter