(1. Overview of the Gospels) |
Ku tivisiva kakuvelekiwa ka Yesu (2. Announcement of Jesus’ birth) |
Luka 1:26-38 Esaya 9:5 |
(3. The birth of Jesus) |
Luka 1:18-22 Luka 2:1-12 |
Ku khuvuriwa ni ku ringiwa ka Yesu (4. Baptism and temptation of Jesus) |
Mat.3:13-17 Mat. 4:1-11 |
Ku hanyisiwa ka munhu wa nhlokonho (5. Cleansing of a leper) |
Luka 5:12-17 |
Ku hanyisiwa ka munhu wo khwanyala swirho (6. Healing of a lame man) |
Luka 5:17-26 |
Ku hanyisiwa ka nandza wa ndhunha (7. Healing of the centurian’s servant) |
Luka 7:1-10 |
(8. Raising of Lazarus from the dead) |
Yoh.11:1-43 |
(9. The Samaritan woman) |
Yoh. 4:4-42 |
(10. The parable of the sower) |
Luka 8:4-15 | |
(11. The parable of the lamp) |
Luka 8:16-18 | |
(12. Jesus calms the storm) |
Luka 8:22-24 | |
Wa nuna wa Gadara (La a xanisiwa hi mademona) (13. The demon possessed man of Gadara) |
Luka 8:26-39 | |
N’wana wa Yayiro ni wansati wa mavabyi ya switlhandla (14. Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the flow of blood) |
Luka 8:40-56 | |
Ku vitaniwa hi ku rhumiwa ka vadyondzisiwa (15. Calling and sending forth of the disciples) |
Marka 1:14-20 Luka 9:1-6 |
(16. Transfiguration of Jesus) |
Luka 9:28-36 | |
Ku tsunxiwa ka n’wana loyi a a khomiwe hi mademona (17. A demon possessed child set free) |
Luka 9:37-43 | |
(18. The Lord’s Prayer) |
Mat. 6:5-13 | |
Ntirho wa ripfumelo exikholgelweni (19. Role of faith in prayer) |
Luka 11:5-13 | |
Yesu ni varhangeri va ta vukhongeri (20. Jesus and the religious leaders) |
Luka 11:14:52 | |
(21. Fear) |
Luka 12:4-12 | |
(22. Greed) |
Luka 12:13-34 | |
(23. The Door) |
Luka 13:22-30 | |
(24. The feast) |
Luka 14:15-24 | |
(25. The cost) |
Luka 14:25-35 | |
(26. The lost sheep) |
Luka 15:1-7 | |
(27. The lost coin) |
Luka 15:8-10 | |
(28. The lost son) |
Luka 15:11-32 | |
(29. The rich man and Lazarus) |
Luka 16:19-31 | |
Hosanyana ya jaha ra mufuwi
(30. The rich young ruler) |
Luka 18:18-30 | |
(31. Bartimaeus) |
Luka 18:35-43 | |
(32. Zacchaeus) |
Luka 19:1-10 | |
Wansati loyi a nga khomiwa ari vuaswini (33. The adultress woman) |
John 8:1-11 | |
(34. The Canaanite Woman) |
Matt 15:21-28 | |
(35. Martha, Mary and Jesus) |
Luka 10:38-42 | |
36. Mary anoints Jesus |
John 12:1-8 | |
Nikodema na ku tswariwa lokuntshwa 37. Nicodemus and the new birth |
John 3:1-21 | |
38. The second coming of Christ |
John 14:1-4, etc. | |
Paseka Getsemane na ku khumiwa
39. The last Passover, Gethsemane and the arrest |
Luka 22:39 – 53 | |
40. Jesus’s trial |
Luka 22:63 – 23:25 | |
Vambiwa ka Yesu
41. Jesus’s crucifixion |
Luka 23:33-49 | |
Yesu, pfuka, tikombira, tekeriwa 42. Jesus’s rising from the grave, appearances and ascension |
Luka 24:50-53 |