Overview of the book of Acts

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1.  Theme:  The spread of the Gospel

2.  Date written:  A.D. 60-62

3.  Author: Luke, a Greek Physician

4.  Setting: Jerusalem to Rome

5.  Name: The Acts of the Apostles (It could also be seen as “The Acts of The Holy Spirit” 

6.  Index:

 A  THE PERIOD OF HOME MISSIONS (Peter the prominent person)
1Ascension of Jesus
 Matthias chosen to take the place of Judas
2Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
 Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost
 The first converts
3Peter and John heal a cripple man at the temple
4Peter and John charged by the Council
 Believers share their possessions
5Ananias and Sapphira
 Apostles delivered from prison
6Choosing of the 7 deacons
7Stephen the first martyr
8Philip preaches in Samaria
 Simon the sorcerer
 Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
9Conversion of Saul
 Peter heals Aeneas
 Peter raises Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead
10Peter ministers to Cornelius
11Peter explains his actions to the Church Council
 The Gospel preached in Antioch
12Herod persecutes the Christians and kills James (brother of Jesus)
 Peter delivered from prison
 Herod devoured by worms and dies
 B  THE PERIOD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS (Paul the prominent person)
13Paul and Barnabas dedicated to minister to the heathen
 Paul and Barnabas preach at Cyprus
 John Mark leaves them
 Paul and Barnabas preach at Antioch in Pisidia
14Paul and Barnabas preach at Iconium, Lystra and Derbe
 Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch of Syria from where they had been sent
15Question regarding circumcision and the Law
 Jerusalem Church Council regarding circumcision and the Law
 Paul and Barnabas separate
16Paul’s second missionary journey together with Silas and Timothy
 Paul’s Macedonian Vision
 The jailor of Philippi
17Paul and Silas ministering in Thessalonica and Berea
 Paul preaches in the Aereopagus at Athens
18Paul in Corinth
 Paul meets Priscilla and Aquila
 Apollos taught by Priscilla and Aquila
 Paul travels to Caesarea, then returns to his base, Antioch in Syria
 Paul’s third missionary journey
 Paul ministers at Galatia and Frigia
19Paul ministers at Ephesus
 Seven sons of Sceva
 Demetrius causes a riot
20Paul in Macedonia and Greece
 Paul’s final visit to Ephesus
21Paul’s journey to Jerusalem
 Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem
22Paul’s address to the crowd
23Plan to kill Paul thwarted
24Paul appears before Felix
25Paul appears before Festus
26Paul appears before Agrippa
27Paul sails for Rome
 The storm at sea and the shipwreck
28Paul on the island of Malta
 Paul survives snake bite
 Paul ministers to Publius and the islanders
 Paul arrives at Rome and allowed to live in his own home
 Paul ministers to local people
